Enhancing and enabling playful, creative interactions

Conductive Paper Pressure Sensor and Arduino Teensy

Overhand knot in a strip of carbon-loaded paper becomes an FSR that can be easily connected to your favorite microcontroller (in this case a teensy running with the Arduino C++ tool chain).

Wearable Video Game Platform Bracelet

This bracelet has an Arduino-powered ring of white LED's with a 3-axis accelerometer tilt sensor.

How many interactions/games can you think of with this platform?

There are 3 in the video:

Hand in the air: flashes (because at a party you want to signal that you want someone to talk to?).

Horizontal hand: always illuminates the top LED's whatever rotation your arm has ("smart flashlight")

Spins of the wrist: a blob spins around in the same direction and slows to a stop.

OSCuino rough Arduino OSC sketch for Open Sound Control work

This example uses the recommended OSC SLIP wrapping for OSC serial messages. Attached is an example Max/MSP patch to display the OSC messages which represent the pin states, temperature and power supply voltages. You may need slipOSC from the CNMAT downloads page to unwrap the USB serial OSC. This is a simple introduction to building OSC messages. Yotam Mann has built a complete library for Arduino that does the full OSC protocol It is available from CNMAT. This example uses the recommended OSC SLIP wrapping for OSC serial messages. Attached is an example Max/MSP patch to display the OSC messages which represent the pin states, temperature and power supply voltages. You may need slipOSC from the CNMAT downloads page to unwrap the USB serial OSC. This is a simple introduction to building OSC messages. Yotam Mann has built a complete library for Arduino that does the full OSC protocol It is available from CNMAT.
 * OSCuino Rough
 * Copyright 2009 Adrian Freed.   

Stanford HCI Seminar : Anti-Ergonomy of Instruments of Interaction

01/29/2010 12:00
01/29/2010 14:00
America/Los Angeles
Video of talk: http://myvideos.stanford.edu/player/slplayer.aspx?coll=4e71b33b-154f-452... Lecture 4.
Stanford Gates B01 Auditorium

Better Arduino alternatives

I don't use the stock "official" Arduino boards for my work. The $18 teensy 2.0 is smaller than any of the stock Arduinos, has more A/D pins than any of them except the Mega, has more memory, more PWM pins, full speed USB serial support and has a more accurate crystal cock instead of a resonator.

Wiimote, Nunchuck and Inertial Sensor Hacking for Music and other Interactivity

10/17/2009 06:00
I presented various Wiimote alternatives such as the Gametrak, how to interface Nunchucks to uOSC and a quick tutorial using Max/MSP for gesture signal processing.
Hexagram/Concordia Montreal

Taming the Media Monster: Rich Media Blogging for Drupal

10/17/2009 11:00
10/17/2009 12:00
See video
Drupal modules exist to implement best practices in web interactivity for a wide range of media types.Taming coding bugs, configuration challenges and coherent theming for these modules is a real chore. I will share successful techniques I have employed in developing a recent rich media site covering:
McGill University, Strathcona Music Building, 555 Sherbrooke Street West

The Fingerboard Instruments: Reframing Lutherie without Strings

Recent attempts to extend organology to add useful classifications of electrophones and music controllers have rightly focussed on music performance gestures . The naive approach of classification by gestural types (strum, pluck, hit, slap etc..) fails because gestures say more about musicians and their music than their instruments.

The Fingerboard Instruments: Reframing Lutherie without Strings, Freed, Adrian , 3rd Music and Cognition Conference, McGill University, Montreal, (2010)

Joy of Hex and the Cordless Guitars of the Future

Joy of Hex and the Cordless Guitars of the Future, Freed, Adrian , Identites de la Guitare Electrique, 05/18/2009, Paris, France, (2009)

Embroidered Wireless Ball Inclinometer

This wireless variant of Hannah Perner Wilson's fabric tilt sensor uses embroidereded high electrical resistance thread . I designed the tool path to create a resistive track from the patches that can be used as a potential divider . This results in a more continuous estimate of the ball location than is suggsted by the six apparently-discrete patches.

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