Construction: Natalie Freed

ETextile Materials, Musical Instruments and Portable Lab. Demonstration at Maker Faire

Thanks to Angela Sheehan from Soft Circuit Saturdays for filming this in the challenging, busy, noisy environment of Maker Faire.

Fabric Slide Potentiometer

A loop of conductive thread is sewn on either side of the base fabric under the flaps. An inverted toggle from a clasp for jeans is used to short each conductor lowering the resistance of the loop.

Sewn, wearable, etextile, fabric multitouch

Piezoresistive fabric is sandwiched by sewn rows of vertical and horizontal pads using a basic sewing machine's custom embroidery pattern.

Embroidered Wireless Ball Inclinometer

This wireless variant of Hannah Perner Wilson's fabric tilt sensor uses embroidereded high electrical resistance thread . I designed the tool path to create a resistive track from the patches that can be used as a potential divider . This results in a more continuous estimate of the ball location than is suggsted by the six apparently-discrete patches.

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