David Wessel's Inventive Directorship of UC Berkeley's Center for New Music and Audio Technologies (CNMAT), Freed, Adrian , The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2017, Volume 141, Number 5, p.3560-3560, (2017) Abstract
Learning and Visualizing Music Specifications Using Pattern Graphs, Valle, Rafael, J. Fremont Daniel, Akkaya Ilge, Donze Alexandre, Freed Adrian, and S. Seshia Sanjit , International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, 2016, New York, (2016) Abstract  Download: 280_Paper.pdf (972.85 KB)
Specification Mining For Machine Improvisation With Formal Specifications, Valle, Rafael, Donzé Alexandre, Fremont Daniel, Akkaya Ilge, Seshia Sanjit, Freed Adrian, and Wessel David , ACM : Computers in Entertainment (Musical Metacreation), 2016, Volume 14 Issue 3, (2016) Abstract  Download: msm16.pdf (795.48 KB)
Batera : Drummer Agent with Style Learning and Interpolation, Valle, Rafael, and Freed Adrian , Study Day On Computer Simulation Of Musical Creativity, 27/06/2015, University of Huddersfield, UK, (2015) Abstract
Antony: A Reimagining, MacCallum, John, Goodheart Matthew, and Freed Adrian , International Computer Music Conference, 25/09/2015, University of North Texas, Denton, TX, USA, (2015) Abstract
Dynamic Message-Oriented Middleware with Open Sound Control and Odot, John MacCallum, Rama Gottfried, Ilya Rostovtsev Jean Bresson Adrian Freed , International Computer Music Conference, 25/09/2015, University of North Texas, Denton, TX, USA, (2015) Abstract
Entrainment Accounts of Intra-action for Intermedia and Metabody Cybernetics., Freed, Adrian , Hacking Big Data Brother: From Biometrics to Intra-action, 07/2015, Madrid, Spain, (2015) Abstract
Flexible Surfaces for Interactive Audio, Rowland, Jess, and Freed Adrian , Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, 11/14/2012, Cambridge, MA, (2012) Abstract