Specification Mining For Machine Improvisation With Formal Specifications

TitleSpecification Mining For Machine Improvisation With Formal Specifications
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsValle, Rafael, Donzé Alexandre, Fremont Daniel, Akkaya Ilge, Seshia Sanjit, Freed Adrian, and Wessel David
Refereed DesignationRefereed
JournalACM : Computers in Entertainment (Musical Metacreation)
Volume14 Issue 3
Date Published2016
Other NumbersArticle No. 6
AbstractWe address the problem of mining musical specifications from a training set of songs, and using these specifications in a machine improvisation system capable of generating improvisations imitating a given style of music. Our inspiration comes from Control Improvisation, which combines learning and synthesis from formal specifications. We learn from symbolic musical data specifications based on musical and general usage patterns. We use the mined specifications to ensure that an improvised musical sequence satisfies desirable properties given a harmonic context and musical form. We present a specification mining strategy based on finite state automata and Markov chains, and apply it to the problem of supervising the improvisation of blues songs. We present an analysis of the mined specifications and compare the results of supervised and unsupervised improvisations.
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