%0 Conference Paper %B SIGCHI Workshop: Organic experiences: (re)shaping interactions with deformable displays %D 2013 %T Sound, Vibration, and Retroaction in Deformable Displays %A Freed, Adrian %C Paris/France %I ACM %K Colocated Sound and Interaction %K Deformable display %K e-textile Sensors %K Interactive Electronics; Sensor Actuators %U https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2479639 %X We present and discuss working designs of deformable displays that use sound, vibration and retroaction for output. Deformation is achieved using stretchable e-textiles and transducer diaphragms. Major remaining engineering challenges associated with these designs are introduced: increased temporal and spatial resolution and precision. %8 04/2013 %@ 978-1-4503-1952-2 %> http://www.adrianfreed.com/sites/default/files/CHI2013FreedDeformableSmaller.pdf