Dynamic Message-Oriented Middleware with Open Sound Control and Odot

TitleDynamic Message-Oriented Middleware with Open Sound Control and Odot
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsJohn MacCallum, Rama Gottfried, Ilya Rostovtsev Jean Bresson Adrian Freed
Conference NameInternational Computer Music Conference
Date Published25/09/2015
Conference LocationUniversity of North Texas, Denton, TX, USA
Abstract We present recent work on odot, a system that extends Open Sound Control and facilitates the rapid and dynamic con- struction of Message-Oriented Middleware providing an in- teroperability layer for communication between applications. Unlike traditional middleware systems, odot, when embedded in a host environment, provides a node where computation can take place, allowing middleware to take shape dynami- cally as the needs of the system develop.