Synthesis and control of hundreds of sinusoidal partials on a desktop computer without custom hardware,
Freed, Adrian, Rodet Xavier, and Depalle Philippe
, Fourth International Conference on Signal Processing Applications and Technology, 1993/04/16, Volume 2, Santa Clara, CA, p.1024-30, (1993)
Codevelopment of user interface, control and digital signal processing with the HTM environment,
Freed, Adrian
, 5th International Conference on Signal Processing Applications and Technology, 1994/04/16, Volume 2, Dallas, TX, USA, p.1179-83, (1994)
Comparing Musical Control Structures and Signal Processing Strategies for the Augmented Cello and Guitar,
Freed, Adrian, Lee Ahm, Schott John, Uitti Frances-Marie, Wright Matthew, and Zbyszynski Michael
, International Computer Music Conference, New Orleans, LA, p.636-642, (2006)