@article {172, title = {Music And Audio Technology Projects To Stir Your Imagination}, journal = {Computer Music Journal}, volume = {20}, year = {1996}, note = {UCB Music ML1 .C857UCB Music MUSI F204UCD Shields ML1 C64 StacksUCI Main Lib [Microfilm] S 000405 Curr Per RmUCI Main Lib ML 1 C857UCLA Music ML 1 C857UCLA Music ML 1 C857UCR Rivera ML1 C63UCSB Arts Lib ML1 .C857 MusicUCSC McHenry ML1.C66UCSD Music ML 1 C857 Current PeriodicalsCSU Dom Hills ML1 .C857CSU Hayward ML 1 .C857CSU Humboldt ML1.C857CSU LongBeach ML1.C857CSU Los Ang No call numberCSU Northridg No call numberCSU Pomona ML1.C857CSU Sacrmento No call numberCSU San Bern No call numberCSU San Diego No call numberCSU San Fran No call numberCSU San Jose ML1.C857CSU San Luis ML 1 .C857CSU Stanisls No call numberSTAN Math/CS ML1 .C7385 SerialsSTAN Music ML1 .C7385 RefSTAN Music ML1 .C7385 CCRMA - Contact Music ReferenceNews ItemSUM}, pages = {4-4}, keywords = {Engineering, Computing \& Technology (TECH)}, url = {http://cnmat.berkeley.edu/publication/music_and_audio_technology_projects_stir_your_imagination}, author = {Freed, Adrian} }