Neural networks for simultaneous classification and parameter estimation in musical instrument control

TitleNeural networks for simultaneous classification and parameter estimation in musical instrument control
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication1992
AuthorsLee, Michael, Freed Adrian, and Wessel David
Conference NameAdaptive and Learning Systems
Date Published1992/04/16
Conference LocationOrlando, FL, USA
Keywordsmachine learning, neural networks
AbstractIn this report we present our tools for prototyping adaptive user interfaces in the context of real-time musical instrument control. Characteristic of most human communication is the simultaneous use of classified events and estimated parameters. We have integrated a neural network object into the MAX language to explore adaptive user interfaces that considers these facets of human communication. By placing the neural processing in the context of a flexible real-time musical programming environment, we can rapidly prototype experiments on applications of adaptive interfaces and learning systems to musical problems. We have trained networks to recognize gestures from a Mathews radio baton, Nintendo Power GloveTM, and MIDI keyboard gestural input devices. In one experiment, a network successfully extracted classification and attribute data from gestural contours transduced by a continuous space controller, suggesting their application in the interpretation of conducting gestures and musical instrument control. We discuss network architectures, low-level features extracted for the networks to operate on, training methods, and musical applications of adaptive techniques.

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