Adrian Freed Teaching Accolades

Thanks for these flattering comments. The best complements you give are with all the wonderful things you have been inspired to make after taking my classes.

"Adrian is such a gifted teacher and I really felt like the environment allowed me to see that this area is doable by people and it's not as mysterious as it feels when I work on it on my own. I loved it."


"Thanks so much, it was a great workshop, you were super."


"You are a phenomenal teacher and thinker and we wish we could clone a copy of you for the east coast.  Since we can't, we'll have to take you up on your offer to bounce ideas back and forth over email."


"I hope everything is well over there. I am still digesting all the information and insights that I got from you."


"I enjoyed the workshop very much. And while I probably didn't have some of the electronics and Max knowledge that others had, it gave me many ideas for projects and ways that current work could become richer. This is invaluable to me."


"Thanks so much for the sensor class and all of your information. As usual, I learned a million things that sparked me to want to get deeper into sensors, electronics, and interfacing."


"i dont think that the week could have been more fulfilling, everything is still sort of floating around in the atmosphere but once it finds its place i know ill have jumped leap years ahead. thanks for all of the hard work and time you put into the workshop, it was really an amazing experience. beyond what i ever expected..."


"Thank you for the incredible class! The class was really really helpful and completely interesting. Besides the great quality, leads, references, information, pedagogy, was also a really lovely and friendly spirit in the room-- Great mixture between lecture, demonstration"


"It was so fantastic to have you at Ryerson! I have already received several emails from students requesting us to continue exploring these ideas and to develop a course around the conceptual space. Thanks again I am always so inspired after spending a few days with you."
