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This table-based digital audio oscillator implementation illustrates a few useful techniques on 8-bit microprocessors
such as the Atmel parts supported by the Arduino/Wiring IDE.
A timer is used to establish the sample rate clock and PWM is used to output an 8-bit signal.
Human hearing has impressive frequency precision so accumulation is done on 32-bit integers.
The code is a lesson in how to used fixed point representations and careful sizing of tables as powers of 2.
This reduces the computational cost of the inner loop of the oscillator to a single 8-bit multiply, table lookup and
addition of the phase accumulator.
This snapshot is part of my ongoing effort to provide some sound synthesis tools for the Arduino beyond the basic buzzy tones.
And as Sabine Gruffat shows us beautifully you can use oscillators like this for image synthesis:
Some useful references:
// Atmega table-based digital oscillator // using "DDS" with 32-bit phase register to illustrate efficient // accurate frequency. // 20-bits is on the edge of people pitch perception // 24-bits has been the usual resolution employed. // so we use 32-bits in C, i.e. long. // // smoothly interpolates frequency and amplitudes illustrating // lock-free approach to synchronizing foreground process control and background (interrupt) // sound synthesis // copyright 2009. Adrian Freed. All Rights Reserved. // Use this as you will but include attribution in derivative works. // tested on the Arduino Mega #include <avr/io.h> #include <avr/interrupt.h> #include <avr/pgmspace.h> const unsigned int LUTsize = 1<<8; // Look Up Table size: has to be power of 2 so that the modulo LUTsize // can be done by picking bits from the phase avoiding arithmetic int8_t sintable[LUTsize] PROGMEM = { // already biased with +127 127,130,133,136,139,143,146,149,152,155,158,161,164,167,170,173, 176,179,182,184,187,190,193,195,198,200,203,205,208,210,213,215, 217,219,221,224,226,228,229,231,233,235,236,238,239,241,242,244, 245,246,247,248,249,250,251,251,252,253,253,254,254,254,254,254, 255,254,254,254,254,254,253,253,252,251,251,250,249,248,247,246, 245,244,242,241,239,238,236,235,233,231,229,228,226,224,221,219, 217,215,213,210,208,205,203,200,198,195,193,190,187,184,182,179, 176,173,170,167,164,161,158,155,152,149,146,143,139,136,133,130, 127,124,121,118,115,111,108,105,102,99,96,93,90,87,84,81, 78,75,72,70,67,64,61,59,56,54,51,49,46,44,41,39, 37,35,33,30,28,26,25,23,21,19,18,16,15,13,12,10, 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,3,2,1,1,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,2,3,3,4,5,6,7,8, 9,10,12,13,15,16,18,19,21,23,25,26,28,30,33,35, 37,39,41,44,46,49,51,54,56,59,61,64,67,70,72,75, 78,81,84,87,90,93,96,99,102,105,108,111,115,118,121,124}; int8_t triangletable[LUTsize] PROGMEM = { 0x00,0x02,0x04,0x06,0x08,0x0a,0x0c,0x0e,0x10,0x12,0x14,0x16,0x18,0x1a,0x1c,0x1e, 0x20,0x22,0x24,0x26,0x28,0x2a,0x2c,0x2e,0x30,0x32,0x34,0x36,0x38,0x3a,0x3c,0x3e, 0x40,0x42,0x44,0x46,0x48,0x4a,0x4c,0x4e,0x50,0x52,0x54,0x56,0x58,0x5a,0x5c,0x5e, 0x60,0x62,0x64,0x66,0x68,0x6a,0x6c,0x6e,0x70,0x72,0x74,0x76,0x78,0x7a,0x7c,0x7e, 0x80,0x82,0x84,0x86,0x88,0x8a,0x8c,0x8e,0x90,0x92,0x94,0x96,0x98,0x9a,0x9c,0x9e, 0xa0,0xa2,0xa4,0xa6,0xa8,0xaa,0xac,0xae,0xb0,0xb2,0xb4,0xb6,0xb8,0xba,0xbc,0xbe, 0xc0,0xc2,0xc4,0xc6,0xc8,0xca,0xcc,0xce,0xd0,0xd2,0xd4,0xd6,0xd8,0xda,0xdc,0xde, 0xe0,0xe2,0xe4,0xe6,0xe8,0xea,0xec,0xee,0xf0,0xf2,0xf4,0xf6,0xf8,0xfa,0xfc,0xfe, 0xff,0xfd,0xfb,0xf9,0xf7,0xf5,0xf3,0xf1,0xef,0xed,0xeb,0xe9,0xe7,0xe5,0xe3,0xe1, 0xdf,0xdd,0xdb,0xd9,0xd7,0xd5,0xd3,0xd1,0xcf,0xcd,0xcb,0xc9,0xc7,0xc5,0xc3,0xc1, 0xbf,0xbd,0xbb,0xb9,0xb7,0xb5,0xb3,0xb1,0xaf,0xad,0xab,0xa9,0xa7,0xa5,0xa3,0xa1, 0x9f,0x9d,0x9b,0x99,0x97,0x95,0x93,0x91,0x8f,0x8d,0x8b,0x89,0x87,0x85,0x83,0x81, 0x7f,0x7d,0x7b,0x79,0x77,0x75,0x73,0x71,0x6f,0x6d,0x6b,0x69,0x67,0x65,0x63,0x61, 0x5f,0x5d,0x5b,0x59,0x57,0x55,0x53,0x51,0x4f,0x4d,0x4b,0x49,0x47,0x45,0x43,0x41, 0x3f,0x3d,0x3b,0x39,0x37,0x35,0x33,0x31,0x2f,0x2d,0x2b,0x29,0x27,0x25,0x23,0x21, 0x1f,0x1d,0x1b,0x19,0x17,0x15,0x13,0x11,0x0f,0x0d,0x0b,0x09,0x07,0x05,0x03,0x01, }; const int timerPrescale=1<<9; struct oscillator { uint32_t phase; int32_t phase_increment; int32_t frequency_increment; int16_t amplitude; int16_t amplitude_increment; uint32_t framecounter; } o1; const int fractionalbits = 16; // 16 bits fractional phase // compute a phase increment from a frequency unsigned long phaseinc(float frequency_in_Hz) { return LUTsize *(1l<<fractionalbits)* frequency_in_Hz/(F_CPU/timerPrescale); } // The above requires floating point and is robust for a wide range of parameters // If we constrain the parameters and take care we can go much // faster with integer arithmetic // We control the calculation order to avoid overflow or resolution loss // // we chose "predivide" so that (pow(2,predivide) divides F_CPU,so 4MHz (1.7v), 8Mhz, 12Mhz (3.3v) and 16Mhz 20Mhz all work // AND note that "frequency_in_Hz" is not too large. We only have about 16Khz bandwidth to play with on // Arduino timers anyway const int predivide = 8; unsigned long phaseinc_from_fractional_frequency(unsigned long frequency_in_Hz_times_256) { return (1l<<(fractionalbits-predivide))* ((LUTsize*(timerPrescale/(1<<predivide))*frequency_in_Hz_times_256)/(F_CPU/(1<<predivide))); } // tabulate phaseincrements correspondending to equaltemperament and midi note numbers (semitones) #define MIDITOPH #ifdef MIDITOPH #define mtoph(x) ( phaseinc(8.1757989156* pow(2.0, x /12.0) )) unsigned long midinotetophaseinc[128]= { mtoph(0), mtoph(1), mtoph(2),mtoph(3), mtoph(4), mtoph(5), mtoph(6), mtoph(7), mtoph(8),mtoph(9), mtoph(10), mtoph(11), mtoph(12), mtoph(13), mtoph(14), mtoph(15), mtoph(16), mtoph(17), mtoph(18), mtoph(19), mtoph(20), mtoph(21), mtoph(22), mtoph(23), mtoph(24), mtoph(25), mtoph(26), mtoph(27), mtoph(28), mtoph(29), mtoph(30), mtoph(31), mtoph(32), mtoph(33), mtoph(34), mtoph(35), mtoph(36), mtoph(37), mtoph(38), mtoph(39), mtoph(40), mtoph(41), mtoph(42), mtoph(43), mtoph(44), mtoph(45), mtoph(46), mtoph(47), mtoph(48), mtoph(49), mtoph(50), mtoph(51), mtoph(52), mtoph(53), mtoph(54), mtoph(55), mtoph(56), mtoph(57), mtoph(58), mtoph(59), mtoph(60), mtoph(61), mtoph(62), mtoph(63), mtoph(64), mtoph(65), mtoph(66), mtoph(67), mtoph(68), mtoph(69), mtoph(70), mtoph(71), mtoph(72), mtoph(73), mtoph(74), mtoph(75), mtoph(76), mtoph(77), mtoph(78), mtoph(79), mtoph(80), mtoph(81), mtoph(82), mtoph(83), mtoph(84), mtoph(85), mtoph(86), mtoph(87), mtoph(88), mtoph(89), mtoph(90), mtoph(91), mtoph(92), mtoph(93), mtoph(94), mtoph(95), mtoph(96),mtoph(97), mtoph(98), mtoph(99), mtoph(100), mtoph(101), mtoph(102), mtoph(103), mtoph(104),mtoph(105), mtoph(106), mtoph(107), mtoph(108), mtoph(109), mtoph(110), mtoph(111), mtoph(112),mtoph(113), mtoph(114), mtoph(115), mtoph(116), mtoph(117), mtoph(118), mtoph(119), mtoph(120), mtoph(121), mtoph(122), mtoph(123), mtoph(124), mtoph(125), mtoph(126), mtoph(127) }; #undef mtoph #endif // Timer setup constants #if defined(__AVR_ATmega8__) // On old ATmega8 boards, output is on pin 11 #define PWM_PIN 11 #define PWM_VALUE_DESTINATION OCR2 #define PWM_INTERRUPT TIMER2_OVF_vect #elif defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) #define PWM_PIN 3 #define PWM_VALUE_DESTINATION OCR3C #define PWM_INTERRUPT TIMER3_OVF_vect #else // For modern ATmega168 boards, output is on pin 3 #define PWM_PIN 3 #define PWM_VALUE_DESTINATION OCR2B #define PWM_INTERRUPT TIMER2_OVF_vect #endif void initializeTimer() { // Set up PWM with Clock/256 (i.e. 31.25kHz on Arduino 16MHz; // and phase accurate #if defined(__AVR_ATmega8__) // ATmega8 has different registers TCCR2 = _BV(WGM20) | _BV(COM21) | _BV(CS20); TIMSK = _BV(TOIE2); #elif defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) TCCR3A = _BV(COM3C1) | _BV(WGM30); TCCR3B = _BV(CS30); TIMSK3 = _BV(TOIE3); #else TCCR2A = _BV(COM2B1) | _BV(WGM20); TCCR2B = _BV(CS20); TIMSK2 = _BV(TOIE2); #endif pinMode(PWM_PIN,OUTPUT); } void setup() { o1.phase = 0; o1.phase_increment = 0 ; o1.amplitude_increment = 0; o1.frequency_increment = 0; o1.framecounter =0; o1.amplitude = 0; // full amplitude initializeTimer(); } void loop() { // Examples o1.amplitude = 255*256; // full amplitude // All the MIDI note numbers for(int i=0;i<128;++i) { o1.phase_increment = midinotetophaseinc[i]; delay(100); } delay(1000); // linear frequency steps from fractional frequency unsigned long l; for(l=100;l<15000;l+=200) { o1.phase_increment = phaseinc_from_fractional_frequency(l*256); delay(200); } o1.phase_increment = phaseinc(440.0); delay(1000); o1.phase_increment = phaseinc(220.0); delay(1000); o1.phase_increment = phaseinc(600.0); delay(1000); //sweep up o1.phase_increment = phaseinc_from_fractional_frequency(100UL*256); o1.frequency_increment = phaseinc(0.02); o1.framecounter = 200000; delay(10000); //sweep down o1.phase_increment = phaseinc_from_fractional_frequency(10000UL*256); o1.frequency_increment = -phaseinc(0.02); o1.framecounter = 200000; delay(10000); } // this is the heart of the wavetable synthesis. A phasor looks up a sine table int8_t outputvalue =0; SIGNAL(PWM_INTERRUPT) { PWM_VALUE_DESTINATION = outputvalue; //output first to minimize jitter outputvalue = (((uint8_t)(o1.amplitude>>8)) * pgm_read_byte(sintable+((o1.phase>>16)%LUTsize)))>>8; o1.phase += (uint32_t)o1.phase_increment; // ramp amplitude and frequency if(o1.framecounter>0) { --o1.framecounter; o1.amplitude += o1.amplitude_increment; o1.phase_increment += o1.frequency_increment; } }