
FSR demonstrator

This demonstrator demonstrates force sensing resistance. It is made on adapting a sample (obtainable as a business card) from Sensitronics. Conductive copper plated fabric tape holds the coin cell down and provides connections to the silver ink on the mylar film. A gull wing led is taped in series with the FSR and coin cell to illustrate current flow when the black flap of piezoresistive polymer ink is pressed down onto the interdigitated conductive array.

Woven Conductor Switch Appliqué

There is a hole in the felt between the vertical and conductive strips. The conductors are secured in this small example by hot melt adhesive.

Digital Multimeter for e-Textiles

This digital multimeter is useful for evaluating textiles and thread for conductivity and electrical resistance. Because each colored led have a different forward voltage different “scales are provided”, Blue is good for low resistance, Green for middle, and red for higher resistance. It is is easily built by soldering the anode or cathode of the RGB led (the longest lead) to the appropriate battery terminal. The other leads are twisted with round nosed jewelry pliers into spirals.

new Solderless Breadboard Felting LED Flasher

This led flasher uses a conventional astable multivbrator (with LED's in the emitters) but unconventionally uses conductive felt for the mechanical and electrical connections and to form the resistors.

Zoned Proximity Sensing with a double-woven Fabric and an Interleaved Conductive Grid

This textile was woven by Christy Matson. There are many applications of this approach. Here I show that it can be used for zoned proximity sensing using a qprox capacitance sensing chip. Pressure sensing can be achieved by felting in a resistive felt at the intersections.

Laser Cutting Conductive Fabric

Most conductive and resistive fabrics can be easily cut with a laser.

Felting Electronics

Felting techniques illustrate how an inclinometer and rotary position sensor is constructed from conductive thread and resistive thread from Eeonyx.

Kalimba Controller with piezo-resistive fabric pressure sensor for displacement measurement

This simple controller is inspired by the south African kalimba. The kalimba lends itself to rapid assembly because of its use of a single central bar held down by two screws to trap the array of tines between two pivot points. Wooden tines are used in this prototype because they are faster to shape than the traditional metal and this controller doesn’t require the tines to be tuned. The flexibility of copper tape is exploited as strips follow the contour of the flat base around the curve of a half-round pressure pivot.

felt capacitive proximity sensing

a qprox demo board is used to demonstrate proximity sensing with e-textiles
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