@conference {426, title = {Composability for Musical Gesture Signal Processing using new OSC-based Object and Functional Programming Extensions to Max/MSP}, booktitle = {New Interfaces for Musical Expression}, year = {2011}, month = {30/05/2011}, publisher = {NIME}, organization = {NIME}, address = {Oslo, Norway}, abstract = {An effective programming style for gesture signal processing is described using a new library that brings efficient run-time polymorphism, functional and instance-based object-oriented programming to Max/MSP. By introducing better support for generic programming and composability Max/MSP becomes a more productive environment for managing the growing scale and complexity of gesture sensing systems for musical instruments and interactive installations.}, keywords = {Composability, Delegation, Functional Programming, Gesture, Max/MSP, Object Oriented, Programming}, author = {Freed, Adrian and MacCallum, John and Schmeder, Andrew} }