@conference {170, title = {Open Sound Control: A New Protocol for Communicating with Sound Synthesizers}, booktitle = {International Computer Music Conference (ICMC)}, year = {1997}, month = {1997}, pages = {101-104}, publisher = {International Computer Music Association (ICMA)}, organization = {International Computer Music Association (ICMA)}, address = {Thessaloniki, Hellas}, abstract = {Open SoundControl is a new protocol for communication among computers, sound synthesizers, and other multimedia devices that is optimized for modern networking technology. Entities within a system are addressed individually by an open-ended URL-style symbolic naming scheme that includes a powerful pattern matching language to specify multiple recipients of a single message. We provide high resolution time tags and a mechanism for specifying groups of messages whose effects are to occur simultaneously. There is also a mechanism for dynamically querying an Open SoundControl system to find out its capabilities and documentation of its features.}, keywords = {OSC}, url = {http://cnmat.berkeley.edu/http://hdl.handle.net/2027/spo.bbp2372.1997.033/open_sound_control_new_protocol_communicating_sound_synthesizers}, attachments = {http://www.adrianfreed.com/sites/default/files/open-soundcontrol-a-new-protocol-for-communicating-with.pdf}, author = {Wright, Matthew and Freed, Adrian} }