
Filters: Author is Freed, Adrian  [Clear All Filters]
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A Fixed-Point Recursive Digital Oscillator for Additive Synthesis of Audio, Hodes, Todd, Hauser J., Freed Adrian, Wawrzynek John, and Wessel David , IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 1999/03/01, Phoenix, AZ, (1999) Abstract
Second-order recursive oscillators for musical additive synthesis, Hodes, Todd, and Freed Adrian , International Computer Music Conference, Beijing, China, p.74-77, (1999) Abstract
Musical Applications of New Filter Extensions to Max/MSP, Jehan, Tristan, Freed Adrian, and Dudas Richard , International Computer Music Conference, Beijing, China, p.504-507, (1999) Abstract
Volumetric Visualization of Acoustic Fields in CNMAT's Sound Spatialization Theatre, Khoury, Sami, Freed Adrian, and Wessel David , Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Visualization 98, Research Triangle Park, NC, p.439-442&562, (1998) Abstract
Antony: A Reimagining, MacCallum, John, Goodheart Matthew, and Freed Adrian , International Computer Music Conference, 25/09/2015, University of North Texas, Denton, TX, USA, (2015) Abstract
Pervasive Cameras: Making Sense of Many Angles using Radial Basis Function Interpolation and Salience Analysis, Mann, Yotam, and Freed Adrian , Pervasive 2011, 12/06/2011, San Francisco, CA, (2011) Abstract  Download: telematic.png (1.37 MB); mango.png (1.29 MB); salad.png (976.31 KB); Cilantro.png (416.63 KB)